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This week, Gerador magazine launched a major report on sexual harassment in academia (authored by Débora Cruz and Sofia Matos Silva). The first part was published with the title “Abuse of power in higher education: the multiple dimensions of a structural problem” and features the participation of Júlia Garraio (co-coordinator of the UnCoveR project) and Maria João Faustino (UnCoveR researcher). Júlia Garraio discussed some results of the project “Sexual harassment in Portuguese academia in the #metooera”, which was developed at ISCTE in 2022 by a team composed of Maria Helena Santos (coordination), Carla Cerqueira and Júlia Garraio. In her statements, Maria João Faustino denounces the “lack of knowledge, lack of understanding and lack of empathy” in society in general and defends the visibility of the problem because: “(…) sexual violence feeds on silence and impunity for perpetrators feed on silence. Therefore, the first thing to do is talk about the subject».

To read in full here.